Unlike the goal heard most often while investing which requires buying low and selling high, the strategy of “shorting” holds a different goal. Although extremely risky the main goal of shorting a stock is to borrow a stock when it is doing well and sell this borrowed stock so that when and if the...
Introduction To Stocks
Nowadays, it is rare to turn on the news and not hear about some type of investing. Whether talking about investing in cryptocurrency or a company that has been showing limitless potential in the past recent months, this term has been aimlessly thrown around recently. However, what even is investing in stocks?, and why...
Welcome To The Blog
Over the past year, I have discovered a new interest which continues to spark thought in the midst of boredom. Many would think that this is a light-hearted and fun filled interest, however it is quite the opposite. This interest that I have so much more to learn about is finance. Hello, my name...